High-Res eLearning provides a deeply contextual learning environment for hard-skills training subjects. This powerful new tool in the world of online course design activates memory-processing regions of the brain.
Do you have the right equipment and skill to create photographs appropriate for High-Res eLearning course design? What exactly is “high resolution,” and why does it matter? What if you only have a smartphone?
Procedural training is a type of workplace and vocational education that offers lessons in context. The benefit of procedural training is that it walks a learner through a defined process step by step.
Many businesses struggle with how best to get a new hire up to speed. Do you treat training as a part of Human Resources paperwork?
A key advantage of High-Res eLearning is the ability to visually frame the subject matter in its context.
As discussed in the previous article, context is what gives content relevance that helps information “stick” in the minds of learners
In learning, context matters.
Most of us know what it’s like to “cram for the exam.” Like hamsters stuffing their cheeks full of seeds, we humans are capable of stuffing our brains full of information – and then regurgitating all of it out a short time later.
It’s a frustrating and all-too-familiar conundrum: In order to learn some job skills, “you just have to be there.” Yet in most situations, a new hire can’t simply be plugged into a job
It almost goes without saying: on-the-job training is an essential step in creating a workforce capable of performing complex tasks and meeting regulatory compliance.